Cogo: Tech that helps you cut your real-time carbon footprint through daily choices

Currently operating in New Zealand, Australia and the UK, Cogo is raising $20m to bring its emissions tracking technology to companies and consumers in Asia, Europe and the US

Sustainability | B2C | B2B



Beyond ride-hailing: Gojek, Grab and all their friends

Now that Grab and Go-Jek are in a faceoff on a regional scale, here's a look at how Southeast Asia's two biggest unicorns – and their investors – could be shaping the local digital economies and startup ecosystems

O2O | Grab | Southeast Asia

Impact Investing

Energy & Cleantech

World's first renewable energy plug-in electric system for refrigerated trucks enables cold-chain operation in non-diesel mode – reducing emissions, fuel consumption and maintenance costs.

Pioneering crowdfunding company lets individuals invest as little as €500 in renewable energy projects, previously open only to energy companies and financial entities.

Logistics & Supply Chain




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    • The Future Food Asia Platform aims to accelerate open innovation in AgriTech and FoodTech across Asia Pacific, with the goal to catalyze and align an ecosystem to cope with the challenges of food.
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