Gianpaolo Rando
Co-founder, CTO of SwissDeCode
Gianpaolo Rando is CTO and co-founder at Swiss biotech SwissDeCode, which applies DNA testing to food traceability. He has worked there full-time since April 2016. Prior to this, Rando gained significant experience working in the field of genomics. He spent three years prior to SwissDeCode’s foundation trialing his DNA food testing technology in his startup BeerDeCoded and assisted in the launch of a compact DNA laboratory at Bento Bio in London. He previously spent almost three years at the University of Geneva in research, co-inventing a technology for ink to change color in response to a specific DNA sequence. His earlier position at the University of Lausanne as a post-doctoral fellow in genomics saw him lead a nine-man team for three and a half years, discovering the hormone that prepares newborns to lactate. Rando’s first post was at Trangenic Operative Products, leading animal research there. Italian-born Rando holds a PhD in biotechnology and pharmacology from the University of Milan as well as a qualification in data science.
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