Huang Haijia
CEO of Shenzhourong
Data services veteran Huang Haijia was the director of the Chinese government’s first online project in 1998; and the co-founder and former COO of ID5, set up in cooperation with the national police, for online identification checks and involving the digitization of ID data of the 1.3 billion population. In 2001, Huang founded Guozhengtong, an IT consultancy supporting local governments in their digitization and, subsequently, banks and telcos. He later founded financial data and credit risk management SaaS company Shenzhourong, which he heads as CEO. Huang holds an EMBA from the Central European International Business School. He is also a member of the fifth batch of entrepreneurs from the incubation program of AAMA (Asia America Multi-Technology Association), Silicon Valley's largest non-profit organization dedicated to the Asian American high-tech community.
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Indonesia Co-founder and Group CFO of Orami , Co-founder and Managing Director of Xurya