Li Haoyang (Derek Li)
Chairman and Founder of Squirrel AI
Born in 1977, Li Haoyang completed senior high school-level classes while he was of junior high school age, and was admitted into the program for gifted children at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Li is a serial entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in K12 education. He co-founded Dashan Foreign Language School, a regional, K12 educational institution chain that operated from 1999–2003, and was also the school’s CEO and principal. He then co-founded after-school tutoring center Only Education International in 2004 and was CEO and Vice-Chairman of the school board. In 2015, Only Education went public, issuing A-stocks. Li then co-founded the social app Friends Impression (a literal translation of the app’s original Mandarin name) in 2014. Li founded Squirrel AI in 2015 and currently serves as Chairman of the board.
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