
Indonesian esports team RRQ dreams of being "the king of kings"


The Jakarta team is growing its brand with collaborations and its academy, expects more esports interest amid Covid-19 home confinements

How does an esports team make it big in a country where the idea of esports is still in its infancy and is even seen as childish by some? 
With a good dose of self-esteem and ambition, as Indonesian esports team Rex Regum Qeon (RRQ), latin for “King of Kings,” has shown. Not only is the team one of the country's biggest esports players, it is one of the most-rounded teams in the whole of Southeast Asia.
Currently, RRQ has seven divisions (they compete in seven different competitive games), 12 teams, 78 full-time players, and 240 awards on its trophy shelf. In the past two years, the...

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Edited by Matt Stanley

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