Bright Ideas

Jakarta Aman uses social networking to improve neighborhood security

Jakarta Aman aims to become as well known in Indonesia as the 911 emergency number in America © Jakarta Aman

Backed by Jakarta's provincial government and MDI Ventures, neighborhood security app Jakarta Aman seeks to reignite the “gotong royong” spirit to keep communities safe

Inspired by a shocking failed robbery in which six people held hostage in a suburban home in Jakarta suffocated to death, neighborhood security app Jakarta Aman, or Jakarta Safe, aims to harness social networking to improve community safety. 
In particular, the creators of the app want to revive the Indonesian tradition of “gotong royong,” when members of a community work together to achieve a common goal. Instances of such communal collaboration would include neighbors participating in working bees to clean up the streets, or joining forces to raise money for a local charity. For Jaka...

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Edited by Sophie Douez

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