
Pintek: Fintech offers wide variety of loans to improve Indonesians' access to education

Pintek wants to "grow the quality of education in Indonesia" ©

Pintek is expanding into Islamic finance with new Sharia-compliant loans for students at Islamic schools and universities

Back in 2010, faced with financial constraints, Tommy Yuwono almost gave up his dream to go to university. Luckily, he won a scholarship from Prasetiya Mulya University in Jakarta and graduated in 2014. Armed with a degree in Business and Corporate Finance, he started a career as an investment banker at MNC Sekuritas.
But Yuwono never forgot his financial struggles as a student. Today, many youths from low-income families continue to face the challenge of trying to get affordable financing from traditional sources like banks and money lenders to fund their studies. For Indonesians aged 20 t...

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