
Swanlaab Venture Factory: €40 million funding chest to give power to the people

  • Spain
  • 7 min read
  • Feb 04, 2019
  • By Amalia González

The female co-founder of Swanlaab Venture Factory believes that diversity enriches decision-making and drives performance. CompassList recently caught up with Verónica Trapa Díaz-Obregón to find out what's in store for Spain's first Israeli-backed VC fund

Gearing up to tap into Spain's vibrant tech ecosystem, Swanlaab Venture Factory is already planning for a second Spanish-Israeli VC fund now that its first investment fund has reached €40 million since 2017.
Swanlaab plans to have 15 companies in its first portfolio. Each startup to be selected during an investment round of €2–3 million will get funding of €500,000 to €1.5 million. The VC already has stakes in five, including traveltech Trappit, fintech Coowry and Unnax that provides a Banking-as-a-Service payment solution. The fourth investment is a cloud-based C...

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