Javier Llorente Moral

Javier Llorente Moral has extensive experience in managing and investing in internet startups and currently manages an investment portfolio of over 30 startups through his own investment company, Valderaduey Investments. A graduate in clinical psychology from the University of Barcelona, and in management from IESE Business School, he was a founding partner of Grupo Intercom in 1995.Since 1999, he has been a prolific investor in some of Spain's most successful internet businesses after his 10-year investment in Infojobs, until its acquisition by Schibsted. His other exited companies include Softonic and Bodas.net. He is also an investor in other startups including Emagister, Verticales Intercom, Buy Yourself, Red Points, Mailtrack and Camaloon, as well as in the startup investment platform Startupxplore.