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Meidy Fitranto is an experienced business analyst and manager with an industrial engineering background. Between 2010 and 2014, he filled supply chain management roles at two oil & gas companies, PT Energi Mega Persada and Kangean Energy Indonesia Ltd. In 2016, he established Nodeflux, a computer vision startup.

University of Melbourne graduate Ahmad Gadi worked as an analyst at contract manufacturer Malidas Sterilindo and Kraft Foods in Indonesia before establishing PT Alphanovation Digital Teknindo in 2013. The software consultancy catered to clients from FMCG to aviation industries and also became the launchpad for POS startup Pawoon in 2014.

Muhammad Ihsan is a Management graduate from Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung in Indonesia. Describing himself as a startup enthusiast, he worked in business development for various companies, including real estate firms. He joined Gibran Hufaizah and Chrisna Aditya as co-founder and CFO in eFishery but left the startup in March 2017.

Roful Zamal Santosa graduated from Universitas Komputer Indonesia in 2010 with a degree in Computer Engineering. After graduation, he started working as a coordinator at the Indonesian branch of Wirecard, an Internet payments platform. Roful is also a co-founder and CFO of IDCloudHost, Indonesia’s first SSD-based web hosting service.

Maria Octavyani Manao graduated from Universitas Indonesia with a bachelor's degree in Psychology in 2012. She had interned at Unilever's human resources and upon graduation, joined one of its companies, Nestle. Maria left Nestle in 2014, working at other companies before establishing logistics service startup Pakde in 2017.

Guritno Adi Saputra graduated from Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND, Indonesia with a bachelor's in Information Technology. Between 2013 and 2015, he was a web developer at Yogyakarta technology consultancy firm IndonesiaJogja Info Service and INDigital. Guritno is co-founder and CTO of digital signature startup PrivyID.

Jaro Petang is the chief branding officer and co-founder of Oper Indonesia, a designated-driver services platform. He studied graphic design at Jakarta's Trisakti University. He is the son of Indonesian actor Didi Petet and also plays in the independent rock band Secret Meadow as a musician.

Ivan Samuel Heydemans majored in Business at Gadjah Mada University. Before joining Sale Stock, Ivan had worked at McKinsey and Lazada Indonesia.

Prima Yoga Kharisma is a software developer based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He graduated from Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana in 2010. After meeting Ditto Anindita, Vita Subiyakti and Galuh Koco Sadewo at the “1000 Startups” event, he decided to join their chatbot startup as a co-founder to lead the software development for Botika.

Tessa Wijaya joined Indonesian fintech Xendit as co-founder and COO in 2016, a year after the payment gateway startup graduated from the Y Combinator program and launched its platform in Indonesia.Wijaya obtained a master’s in philosophy from the University of Sydney in 2006 after graduating from Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs in 2003. She returned to Indonesia and worked as a corporate development officer for over three years. In 2010, she became an analyst at Principia Management Group and Fairways Investment Group, both being Southeast Asia-focused investment firms. In 2013, Wijaya went on to work as an associate at Singapore-based investment firm Mizuho Asia Partners for over three years before joining Xendit back in Jakarta.

Abdul Rahman was one of Detikcom’s founding pioneers before setting up Kumparan in early 2017 with fellow co-founder Budiono Darsono. His interest in computer programming started in early 1990 before the internet boom in Indonesia. He was the website designer for one of Indonesia’s early online-news portal that was later transformed into Detikcom.

Bamboo Capital Partners is an impact investment company that focuses on supporting energy access, finance and healthcare-related ventures in developing countries. The company manages 10 investment funds across Asia, Africa, and Latin America, with companies in Indonesia, India, Kyrgyz Republic, and Brazil having received investments from this company.  Bamboo Capital Partners states that their portfolio healthcare companies have served 3.4m patients, and 9.68m metric tons of CO2 emissions have been avoided through the use of solar panels and green energy championed by their startups.Bamboo Capital Partners have worked with governments and major investment groups to support the fulfillment of SDG goals through startup investing. In 2020, Bamboo Capital Partners was appointed by the government of Madagascar and the World Bank as the fund manager for the $40m Off-Grid Market Development Fund. Bamboo is also a partner of the Palladium Group, which owns a minority stake in the VC.

Gregorius Bimantoro is a serial entrepreneur. He founded a marketing agency for healthcare issues Atoma Medical in 2009, while training as a doctor at Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya in Indonesia. He also set up a healthcare website TanyaDok in 2012 and continues to lecture on healthcare entrepreneurship at Atma Jaya. The online pharmacy ProSehat is his latest venture.

After graduating as a doctor at Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya in Indonesia, Agnes Susanto joined Atoma Medical as operations manager in 2011. She completed a master’s in Public Health, Hospital and Healthcare Facilities at the Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in 2016. She also co-founded ProSehat, a medical e-commerce startup as an offshoot of Atoma Medical.

Universitas Tarumanagara graduate Roby Tan is well known as the founder and director of PT Mitra Komunikasi Nusantara (MKN). The MKN telecom group operates Tele Ring, GraPari and Telkomsel Distribution Centers. MKN is also one of the largest Samsung and OPPO smartphone distributors in Indonesia. MKN was also an investor in Kioson, prior to the IPO.

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