REDangels is a Portuguese angel investor enterprise that specializes in pre-seed and seed investments in Portuguese and European startups across various sectors. There are 56 business angels working for REDangels which currently has 26 startups in its portfolio. It most recent investments include the seed rounds of sound design CGI software company Sound Particles and digital identity lifestyle manager Loqr.
REDangels is a Portuguese angel investor enterprise that specializes in pre-seed and seed investments in Portuguese and European startups across various sectors. There are 56 business angels working for REDangels which currently has 26 startups in its portfolio. It most recent investments include the seed rounds of sound design CGI software company Sound Particles and digital identity lifestyle manager Loqr.
Next-generation social media app YouClap targets engagement over reach
Already valued at €5m one year after launching, the YouClap platform for online challenges will seek Series A investment before the end of 2019
Sound Particles: the CGI for sound effects taking Hollywood by storm
This revolutionary 3D audio software has propelled Portuguese founder Nuno Fonseca from teaching music to credits in Star Wars, Game of Thrones and Frozen II.
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